Clean your tank
The sink, especially the faucet, can be wiped off bacteria and food particles with an all-purpose cleaner. And maybe we should all clean the faucet a lot, considering it's something we touch with hands covered in raw chicken.
شركة تنظيف موكيت بجازانشركة تنظيف كنب بجازانSponges should be cleaned frequently as well, either by running it in the dishwasher or microwave. If you use microwave, first make sure that the sponge does not contain any metal, then wet the sponge vigorously and heat it for two minutes; Be careful when removing it, as it will be very hot.
Has your sponge holder developed mold or bacteria buildup? Use a toothbrush dipped in bleach or white vinegar - but never use both, as the mixture creates a dangerous chemical reaction - to scrub the mold. Follow this up by washing the sponge caddy in hot, soapy water or running it in the dishwasher.
Keep surfaces clean
Wipe down the counter and stove with all-purpose cleaner after use. Cookstoves especially benefit from this type of regular and fast cleaning, as sprays, drips and grease are baked off when left for an extended period.
شركة تنظيف بجازانHow to clean a stove: You'll need something tricky to remove baked-on stains and greasy film. The Dobie Pad, which is a non-abrasive sponge, comes with a gentle powder cleanser will reduce stubborn mess. When cleaning stainless steel, rub it with grains, not in a circular motion, to avoid scratching, and use a gentle touch, allowing the product, rather than force, to do most of the cleaning work.
How to clean small appliances: The exterior of small appliances such as toasters, coffee makers, and worktop blenders should be wiped frequently with all-purpose cleaners to prevent the build-up of splashes and greasy films from cooking. For a deeper cleaning, remove all removable parts and wash them by hand or in the dishwasher. Give the exterior the look in one go with a multi-purpose cleaner, using tools like cotton swabs or an old toothbrush to reach tight corners and other hard-to-reach places.
Deal with the refrigerator
An easy way to keep tabs in the fridge is to add one simple task to your litter day routine:
When packing garbage into bags, open the refrigerator and pay attention to its contents. Are there spoiled leftovers? Toss them. Has any product been liquefied in the vegetable drawer? Empty it. Are the few eggs left in the carton about to burst? Make a note of your omelette for dinner, and congratulate yourself on being careful not to waste the food.
How to clean up spills in the refrigerator: When sticky spills happen in the refrigerator or pantry, clean them up with a squeeze of some kind. Soak a sponge or rag in very hot water (consider your hands) and wring out so that it does not drip. Then press the sticky spot until the pressure begins to lose its heat. If the adhesive spill loosens enough, wipe it away; If it still clings stubbornly, repeat as needed until the material has dissolved, then wipe clean.